Hi,everybody! Maybe I can get some help here. I have WONDERFUL friends who I can talk to but need some unbiased oppinions. My BF and I have been living together for 6 months and I just recently broke out with a Genetal Herpes rash. Went to the doc and all that, still waiting on test results. First question, I have searched and searched and cannot seem to find anything that offers some immediate releif. Did find something on here about Gel Kam. Anything "simpler"? Over the counter, don't have to order online, etc... I AM IN PAIN HERE! Second, my BF doesn't seem to worried about it. He says he's never had symptoms, but has also never been tested (FOR ANYTHING)! Way scary, I get general STD testing between all BFs(and every year at my checkup just for GP) but am assuming from all I have read that I was not tested for herpes. I am kinda all pissed off right now at me for not checking HIM out better and at him for not seeming to care. He cares that I am in pain, but not that he might have given it to me, or that he might not have it, and that I could give it to him. And more than that I am worried that he might have other stuff...especially if he hasn't been tested. He is all pissed at me that I won't have sex with him again until he goes to the Dr...is this just a normal reaction from him? I already fight with him because I have a yeast infection every other week, for like the last 3 months ( HE DOES pass it back to me). And he gets all pissed when I tell him that. If he has something else and I haven't caught it yet I WANT TO KNOW! I am rather nympho myself, and at the moment I feel like my whole sex life just got ruined...I checked it out, its not ruined, just definatly modified now. Still hard to accept. Time will tell I guess, if this will ruin the relationship. Anyone with the same experience got any advice for me?